There were four afternoon workshops geared towards major pillars of the Bay Area’s Senior Health Care Safety Net. Each featured presenters who introduced key perspectives and discussed important developments in the field. Policy decision makers, service providers, advocates and leaders in the field were all present in the workshops. Participants discussed the subject, shared experiences and crafted components of a policy agenda that they believe will strengthen the safety net for seniors in the Bay Area.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Planning for the Growing Need. One in six baby boomers who reach 55 will develop dementia. Planning for the growing need for care has never been more urgent. Workshop participants examined trends and developments in policy and best practices, and sought ways to help prepare for the growing need of both services and facilities for memory care in the Bay Area. Bridging gaps in the Continuum of Care. Funding, regulatory, institutional and competitive barriers exist that limit access to the care seniors need as they age. This workshop sought creative strategies to bridge gaps, and leverage resources to make things easier for aging residents of the Bay Area. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services were present, as were service providers who are finding creative ways to work across gaps in the continuum of care. State and Federal Policy Changes Affecting Bay Area Seniors. Representatives from local, state, and national governments as well as a representative of the California Budget Project shed light on recent policy developments and long term trends.Workshop participants sought ways to establish open channels of communication with policy makers to help create and influence the policy needed to strengthen the safety net for Bay Area seniors. Promoting Aging-in-Place Through Housing and Service Options. Studies show that more than 90% of seniors wish to age in place and stay in their communities. Panelists represented case studies of how this can work successfully. Workshop participants discussed ways to support the development of service-rich, affordable communities moving forward.
To view the refined guiding principles and priorities, click here.